Thursday, April 28, 2016

All the Wonders

Be I fun or the serious one,
I am what I am in all seriousness.
And I finish what I have begun,
patient with both emotion and time.
For truly this is serious business,
exposing my heart in rhyme.

Might I seem dull and grey,
I do not know, but I shall see you.
For all the brilliance of the day,
seeks it brilliant colors through you.
And I, I will understand this too,
with all the wonders you do.

What is mine is always yours,
little though it be, my treasures.
How your heart opens doors,
and brings smiles, their own reward.
So it is in your joys and pleasures,
I seek solace going forward.

In the warmth of your hand,
or the blue of your eye, a haven.
A morning sun greets the land,
and finds no disappointment in you.
Says the midday light so brazen,
stay the course, remain true.

Although our winter's long,
we're resilient and stronger still.
Please say that I'm not wrong,
and please say tender bonds remain.
For friendship is the greater will,
in hearts so honest and plain.

Brian Francis Hudon
April 28, 2016

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Forever Be

A child and a child forever be,
you are mine and I am yours forever.
Sweet heart, my heart, the better part of me,
such the tale, such a life, innocent and divine.
I would be yours and leave you never,
for many a day as these so fine.

A friend and a friend sweetly,
tell me your tale, tell me of your days.
I should ask you - though I might discreetly,
lest my heart stray - a fear that I'm forgotten.
Yet this is mine and these are my ways,
for a friendship dearly gotten.

Brian Francis Hudon
April 26, 2016

Sunday, April 24, 2016


Your look as clear as this night,
with eyes the same and blue as the day.
So beautiful is a moment and right,
thinking your name, I'm free and I'm me.
You are so beautiful in so many ways,
I'm thinking it might always be.

What you're thinking I can't tell,
some wild thought in color or a dream.
It's the sunfall of the day, so I'm well
though cold or nervous, laughter follows.
Smile another smile while we scheme,
beside the shadows in the hollows.

Now we part and I'm more quiet
always the sadness that knows no name.
I search the night for morning light,
and hope that makes a day more welcome.
A morning good and always the same,
it is my little world and kingdom.

Now knowing you the way I do,
I find the hours here are sweeter now.
Soon goodnight tonight, it's true,
sleep and dreams, such a pleasant prospect.
May all our experience show us now,
that life and love that we expect.

Brian Francis Hudon
April 24, 2016

Saturday, April 23, 2016


Days are days but our memories dear,
and the wonder of summer in the blossom.
So in every good day you remain as clear,
in little moments, to share some word or two.
No distance remains, the feeling awesome,
to be home again when I'm with you.

In a starlit night where dreams begin,
the season never ends and never grows old.
So too we dreamers find the hopes within,
young as the rising sun and as old as the night.
Love finds no winter nor friendship cold,
in that simple promise burning bright.

Nights and mornings, hand and letter,
all the beauty of the world remains unseen.
Apprehension fades, my world is better,
I search your name, beautiful above all the rest.
Of all that will be and of all that has been,
I know these days have been the best.

Every fear becomes like some stranger,
while every sort of comfort takes my hand.
The feeling shakes me like some danger,
so familiar and yet more familiar is your touch.
Greet me again and take me where I stand,
before your leave becomes too much.

Brian Francis Hudon
March 19, 2015 


Witness how the heart takes flight,
with a look, with a word, a radiant face.
For precious moments there is light,
and the day is won and the spirit regained.
A love and friendship share this space,
where silent hopes are contained.

Brilliant morning and shining days,
do grow pale when compared to these.
What say you now of my careful ways,
and the stories within me now left untold?
A smile greets a child so easy to please,
an expression of joy and never old.

A deep breath and now I'm certain,
and more certain than all my yesterdays.
Patience is my trial, hence my burden,
I should prevail, if my intentions are true.
Tomorrow's a long road in many ways,
be there a road for me and for you.

Winter's rose now blooms so sweet,
seasons of life find me alive once more.
Kindness is sweeter the days we meet,
near or far, time and distances do not part.
Life is now more complete than before,
lifted by wings that lighten a heart.

Brian Francis Hudon
April 23, 2016

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


The chill of space, no stars above,
familiar and unfamiliar, I've been here.
So there's nothing new about love,
nothing new about you, nothing about me.
I've traveled the life of hope and fear,
and wandered into an endless sea.

The warmth of love is within you,
in such hands that would hold and heal.
Your mere turn and look would do,
and console me in these moments of doubt.
Don't leave restless, or alone to feel,
for the word we can't live without.

Brian Francis Hudon
April 20, 2016

By the Hour

Too many words are left unspoken,
I'm silent, unseen, a ghost between days.
Have I said anything lately? A token?
Something to bide my time, for a dream.
Now I've been lost in too many ways,
taking one for myself and the team.

The world has awoken, at what cost,
a final day of winter brings a warmer sun.
A strange sad man greets me, so lost,
I remember him though. Nothing to say.
And I wonder now at what has begun,
passing by the hour and by the day.

Brian Francis Hudon
April 20, 2016